Tag Archives: Asakusa

Japan with Erin, Teaching Asians to Say “Parallelogram” and Where Next!

Hi there from…..?  I’ve moved on from Japan and you can find out where I am now in the video below!  Plus, you can check out a really shitty summary of my 2 awesome weeks in Tokyo and Kyoto.

Unfortunately, I uploaded this from a country whose internet tubes rank among the slowest in Asia, so the quality is horseshit-tastic.  Sorry.

I also didn’t have video footage of soooo many things I saw and did including dawn at Tsukiji Fish Market,

Tsukiji Fish Market at Dawn, for the Most Devout Sushi Lovers
Tsukiji Fish Market at Dawn, for the Most Devout Sushi Lovers

for breakfast sushi…

Breakfast Sushi at Tsukiji Fish Market
Breakfast Sushi at Tsukiji Fish Market

…beautiful, modern buildings…


…the “Tori no Iru” bird cafe in Asakusa…

Tori no Iru Bird Cafe, Asakusa, Japan

…the Senso-ji Hondo…

Hondo at Sensoji in Asakusa, Japan
Hondo at Sensoji in Asakusa, Japan

…and one of the many, many cheap and delicious pieces of Toro I indulged in while in Japan

Mind-Blowly Melty Toro Sushi in Tokyo
Mind-Blowingly Melty Toro Sushi in Taito, Tokyo

Of course, the most important thing of all was captured and included in the video.  NOT TO WORRY.  Without further ado, I bring you Teaching Asians to Say Parallelogram and other beautiful footage from Japan:

And as mentioned in the video, for referrals to the best companies I’ve tried and tested myself for student loan refinancing, CLICK HERE!